Why invest in changing rooms cabinet?

Considered essential furniture in the professional and school environment, the locker room allows users to benefit from an efficient and practical storage space. Usually made of metal, this piece of furniture is also very popular for its robustness and great resistance. If you are still hesitating about installing one in your room, discover the advantages of a wardrobe.

Installing a locker room what does the law says?

locker rooms represent storage furniture that is essential to guarantee the comfort of employees and students in work rooms or schools. Although its availability has become a legal obligation in certain areas of activity, all companies in the private sector are only obliged to fit them out if employees have to put on work clothes once there. Clearly, this obligation only applies in the workplace when workers are forced to use specific equipment or clothing as part of their mission. On the other hand, in a school where the pupils will have to change to play sports, the provision of lockers is imperative. According to the legislation, these collective furniture must be equipped with individual non-combustible cabinets. They usually allow you to hang street clothes and include a compartment where soiled and dirty clothes can be classified.

What are the advantages of lockers ?

First of all, the locker rooms provide storage for all the things the user does not need right now, but which can be useful later. In this case, he will not have to go home to change if, for example, he has to go to an important appointment just after leaving the office. These pieces of furniture also take up less space since they are designed to stick together, which makes them ideal even in a small space. They can be placed in the hallway or near the showers depending on your needs. In addition, these metal lockers are known for their high resistance to fire and humidity. Indeed, these cabinets must comply with several standards in force related to fire risks, which guarantees a certain level of safety for users and establishments. These pieces of furniture are also easy to maintain and are water resistant. Although prolonged contact with water causes rust, it can be removed with simple techniques. Finally, metal lockers are very popular because they can withstand very heavy loads.

How to choose certified furnitures?

 While the price of cloakrooms varies considerably between manufacturers and models, your choice should in no way lean towards inexpensive furniture at the expense of quality and authenticity. It is therefore advisable to always opt for models certified with the NFD 65-750 standard, which guarantees the safety and resistance of the furniture. The NF standard for professional technical furniture, for its part, certifies that the changing rooms comply with European and French standards. If you want to make an eco-responsible gesture, the NF Environmental standard should hold your attention. This is a certification issued by AFNOR (Association Française de la Normalization) affirming that the furniture manufacturing process respects the environment and workers. Finally, you have the choice between a one-piece wardrobe or a changing room in a removable kit. One-piece models are easy to install and very sturdy, but they are often difficult to transport unlike kit versions. The removable cabinet has the advantage of taking up little space, but you will have to assemble each component yourself, unless this service is included in the purchase price.
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